
“Hire Sarah as your doula. You won't regret it. Sarah was an indispensable part of our birth team. From our first meeting on Zoom, her warm energy and expertise as a doula came through. Our plan was for an unmedicated birth at Mount Auburn Hospital, and it was nice to know that Sarah had attended many births there and helped other moms planning to use hypnobirthing techniques. We hired Sarah around week 15 of our pregnancy. From then on she was very quick to reply to questions and concerns and met with us to go over our birth preferences and talk about the labor process. When I was faced with a possible induction at 38 weeks, Sarah immediately got on the phone with me to talk through the situation and helped me to calmly assess my choices. She kept in close contact with us until I went into labor naturally three days later. As my labor progressed, Sarah corresponded with my husband and arrived at the hospital as I was approaching transition, which was perfect timing. With the hospital's shift change, Sarah was even able to request a particular nurse for our room who was also amazing. After our son was born, Sarah stayed with us past midnight, helping with his first feeding while simultaneously feeding me my first postpartum meal, which included fresh strawberries Sarah brought from a local farm. In the days following the birth, Sarah continued to check in on us and visited our home for a debrief. After our experience with Sarah, my husband started referring to himself as a "doula evangelist."

-Anna D (2022)

“When I met Sarah almost a decade ago, I had no idea how much her perspective on yoga as a spiritual practice would change my life.  Her teaching is based on good physical alignment as well as showing her students the emotional and spiritual side of yoga that is so often overlooked.  I feel more confident in my body as a result of her teaching.  I’ve learned so much and I’m excited by how much there still is to learn!”

—Erin H (2018)

“Hands-down, Sarah is an amazing doula and you should reach out to her today! Sarah supported me and my husband through two births--including one in a pandemic. Through her educational, emotional, and physical support leading up to our babies (I took many prenatal yoga classes with her through Om Births which really enhanced my preparations and our connection), I felt confident pursuing unmedicated/low-intervention births at my rather "conventional" hospital. On the night of our first birth, Sarah was compassionate, wise, empowering, and a fantastic advocate for us-- helping us get to the hospital, navigating the check-in process at 4 cm dilated, and staying by our side with support measures and options all night long. Nurses recognized her as a key part of the birth team and I truly feel Sarah's presence and approach empowered us to achieve the low-intervention experience I'd hoped for. If Sarah was great leading up to our birth, I was even more impressed by how totally in-the-zone she was during it. You will be so glad to have her by your side. 

When it came time for baby #2 Sarah was again our obvious choice--and despite changing hospital policies about whether support people were going to be allowed at births during the coronavirus pandemic, as well as the general hot-garbage uncertainty of 2020, she stood by us with socially distanced check-ins, texts and Zoom calls throughout the pregnancy. When it became clear in the last weeks that the pandemic's ripple effects were going to prevent her from joining us at this baby's birth, she arranged a really great back-up doula for us and did everything she could to transition us smoothly. I mention this because I know that backup doulas are a point of concern for some birthing parents. I can assure you: Sarah generously did *everything* she could to be at our birth before we shifted plans. I was a little nervous of course, but ultimately trusted her judgement in selecting the other doula for us based on our needs/approach and it all worked out well. Baby #2 is here and because I think we're done with babies now, I'm a bit sad I won't get to work with Sarah as a doula again! (I'll have to check out some of her yoga classes...)

This has become a long story, so to make it short-- Sarah is a kickass doula, the kind of birth-bestie who will tell it to you straight, and be there for you with nothing other than love and care when the going gets... going. I wish her, and you, many happy births! We love you, Sarah!!!”

-Ann S. (2020)

“I'm so grateful to have had the chance to partner with Sarah at Breathe to Empower for the birth of my twins. As a first-time parent, I especially appreciated the sense of calm that she brought to the delivery room, and her flexibility and ability to go with the flow. She answered all my questions leading up to the birth, and her recommendations during labor were indispensable! I couldn't imagine going through the experience without Breathe to Empower, and would definitely recommend partnering with Sarah to expecting moms!”

-Mariel P (twin mom! 2020)

“I found Sarah to be both knowledgeable and down-to-earth during the time we worked together. She comforted me through tough times and, when I had to make some tough decisions, she was there to remind me that with my research and knowledge, I had everything I needed to decide what was right for me and my family. I would definitely recommend Sarah to another family.”

-Nicci K (2020)

“Though I had exposure to pregnancy, labor, and delivery prior to my own pregnancy, I knew that it would be helpful to have someone with more experience by my side. Having Sarah’s support and expertise in coaching me (and my spouse!) through the labor and delivery process was invaluable. She helped me labor at home, calmed my fears, and even drove with us to the hospital. When I needed some extra care after the delivery, she stayed with my husband to support him through the uncertainty. Having her as someone I could call on before and after delivery, with her postpartum visit, helped me achieve the birth experience I wanted. I am planning to have her by my side again for my second pregnancy and delivery!”

— Laura D (2019)

“Working with Sarah during the pandemic was truly a life saver. I was dealing with some pretty intense hyperemesis which left me feeling somewhat powerless and anxious.  From the moment I met her I felt supported in a way no friend or family member was able to do. She helped me with tools I could use to work through anxiety and was always able to provide resources for anything I needed. Because our first two meetings occurred during the height of the pandemic, we did them via Facetime, which was a great way to still meet but feel safe. Luckily Sarah was able to come to the hospital with us when I went into labor. Having her support and guidance throughout labor and in making some tough decisions was priceless. I cannot stress enough how valuable it is to have someone like her on your side helping to advocate for your needs and helping you make informed decisions as needed. I couldn't imagine going through the process without her.” 

-Grace B. (2020)

“I took prenatal yoga with Sarah, from 5 weeks of pregnancy! I only missed a few weeks my whole pregnancy and here were my takeaways:– Sarah was so right about leg strength! Contractions almost demand movement – I was moving on the birthing ball, standing, swaying, moving on all fours – it was an extremely physical experience
– all of the mantras she shared were extremely helpful. Knowing this was a natural experience that my body could handle, knowing the mind gives out before the body.
– I’d encourage people to do chair pose and test out their coping mechanisms as much ass possible – trying to breath, finding a focal point, positive self talk etc!
– the jaw!! She was SO right about opening the jaw and releasing tension and making low sounds. I think I was making sounds through the whole thing – about 17 hrs start to finish – no meds or interventions!I KNOW that the class and Sarah’s guidance in particular made this birth possible. It hurt like hell and I think I’m done with childbirth, but I’m really proud and happy I never gave up on myself! ::Thank you for your support and authenticity and joy!”

— Emily F. (2019)

“The second Sarah and I talked on the phone to discuss her services, we clicked! She was exactly what I was looking for. I wasn’t wanting a super serious person through this process, I was wanting someone to tell me how it is and to have a sense of humor to make my labor and delivery less stressful. I also needed her because I was banking on my husband passing out! From pregnancy to birth, she made me feel extremely prepared and comfortable (as much as you can be) for delivery day. If you are wanting someone to be honest with you, someone to make you feel calm whether you are stressed or scared, someone to make you laugh, Sarah is your girl!”

-Morgan B (2021)

“Sarah was our doula in February of 2018 for the birth of our first child. Sarah was incredible. Her knowledge and candor were truly valuable in preparation for the birth, throughout labor and delivery as well as postpartum. Her sense of humor, warmth and  authenticity allowed both my husband and I to feel completely comfortable. Her presence during labor and delivery was so incredibly helpful to both of us. She was such an amazing support and advocate when we needed it.  We highly recommend Sarah!”

—Andrea V (2018)

“I purchased a 10 pack of weekly private yoga sessions with Sarah after the birth of my twins.  I am in my 40’s and not as fit as I used to be!  I had taken a few yoga classes before, but was completely lost and easily injured.  I chose Sarah because she has years of experience.  She carefully customized my lessons to help build core strength and flexibility at my own pace, offering helpful tips to modify poses as needed.  She explained each and every pose in a way that was easy to understand, and made sure that I was doing them correctly.  Yoga done the right way is so much more than just bending yourself into a shape!  She helped me achieve confidence both physically and mentally, in a way that was warm and encouraging.  Private lessons with Sarah are totally worthwhile if you want to build a strong foundation for group classes.  I had such a wonderful experience.”

—Amy B (2018)

“Sarah was our birth doula and I can’t recommend her more highly. It was incredible to know that we had an extra pair of hands, set of knowledge and encouraging voice. Sarah truly loves what she does and you definitely want her in the room with you when you welcome your baby into the world.”

-Samantha S (2018)